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I am delighted with your service & professionalism.
J Fernandes
Reviewing your CV
How CV reviews tend to work elsewhere
Generally speaking, when you request a CV review from most companies the person who examines and ultimately conducts your curriculum vitae appraisal is not a career sector expert. On the contrary, in many cases, the person reviewing your CV is a sales or administration person – frequently with very limited knowledge of top quality CV writing.
Moreover, some firms also outsource CV review services (sometimes to companies outside of the UK and even outside of Europe).
This may sound shocking on the surface, but it isn’t so astonishing given the fact that many companies treat appraisals purely as a sales exercise. As such, it isn’t so surprising to discover that numerous companies use sales professionals to conduct the review, rather than a bona fide career expert.
CVs reviewed by us
We, on the other hand, take the view that it is impossible to give you a true assessment of your curriculum vitae or give you proper feedback unless the person conducting the review has a real in-depth understanding of CVs. As such, anyone requesting a free CV review with CV Succeed has their CV personally assessed by a vastly experienced career sector professional – in the vast majority of cases by Peter who is a career sector author with a successful business and recruitment background. Paul also sometimes conducts CV appraisals.
Methods of working
A lot of firms don’t really make much of an effort with CV reviews. Indeed, some companies just fill in the blanks of a generic template and send it out en-masse by email. Indeed, some CV appraisals are even identical apart from things such as the candidate’s name!
Fortunately, this does not apply across the board, and some companies do make more of an effort by conducting telephone appraisals in addition to e-mail reviews; albeit many such telephone appraisals are frequently still very much operated in a sales-centric mode.
If you do request a CV review elsewhere then don’t be too surprised if you get a hard sell, or are bombarded with spurious statistics.
Our way of working
As mentioned elsewhere on our website, we are very transparent as well as honest and upfront. Our reputation is such that we don’t need to resort to suspect tactics or false statistics to drum up business. Moreover, we wouldn’t do this even if we didn’t always have clients queuing up for our services.
When we assess your CV, firstly we do actually assess it! That sounds obvious but some CV reviewers don’t appear to even read the CVs they are supposed to assess. Moreover, when we assess CVs we do so honestly, giving a genuine professional opinion. If we think your CV can be improved, we will say so, and give you an indication of areas for improvement together with recommendations.
If we think you could benefit from our services then we will say so simply and plainly – leaving it for you to decide if you want our help or not. You won’t get any hard sell, arm twisting or false statistics from us. If you agree with what we say, like the professional way in which we conduct ourselves, and would like our help then that’s fine. On the other side of the coin, if you just want to listen to our advice and get some helpful pointers free of charge, then that’s also fine. The main thing for us is that we are helping you, no matter which way we do it.
Either way, we look forward to helping you.
Please click here to read more about Peter and about our popular CV review service.
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