About: Nigel Benson

Nigel Benson is a professional career sector specialist with over 12 years' experience writing executive level CVs and expertise in recruitment, job interviews and training.

Recent Posts by Nigel Benson

Freelance vs. employment – is it worth it?

Sometimes my salary is quite good, some months almost non-existent – literally! My children – who are adult and work - often ask me, “dad why do you do this – the stress of uncertainty, the never-knowing?” Sometimes I have.

Recruitment of ex-military – are there difficulties?

As a CV writer I learned quite early, both from what landed on my desk and the conversations that were had with ex-military clients, that many commercial and public sector employers are wary of military personnel. Some very well-known companies.

Ex-convicts – is a CV a useful alternative?

I have written approximately 4,000 CVs in my career. Only 5 of these are for released criminals (I had to dig deep in my files to find them). So it got me thinking: do ex-convicts not want to work? not.

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