PS Tip 100: Personal statement help

Well done, you’ve reached the final tip! If you’ve got this far, it’s natural to feel like writing your statement is an insurmountable hurdle. The processes and tips I’ve provided are intended to help you produce the best personal statement you’re capable of, and they’re certainly not for the faint-of-heart.

With that in mind, there’s no shame in asking for help with your personal statement. If you’ve been asked to write a personal statement for any reason, we’re always happy to help – whether that’s by answering your questions, or by writing the statement for you. We write statements for clients from all around the world, it’s what we do day in, day out, and hopefully by now you’ll agree that we know a thing or two about it.

So if you do need help with your personal statement, please get in touch.

Visit our service page or contact us.

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