CV Writing Case Study

I thought it would be useful to create some blog entries/case studies to give people additional insights into the work we do.

We have been doing this a long time, and help clients at all levels and across all sectors. Moreover, clients come to us from all around the world. As you can imagine therefore, we have helped (and continue to help) a great many people across a very broad and diverse job/career spectrum. From retail assistants and salesmen to nuclear physicists and consultant paediatricians we have been a valuable source of assistance to a wide cross-section of jobseekers both in the UK and abroad.

Each job is different – primarily because each client has a different background, different circumstances and different goals/targets. Consequently we take a flexible approach and work with the client, their circumstances and target in mind.

It’s too late to include case studies on CVs that we have written years (or even months/weeks) ago, because they are no longer fresh in the memory. However, time permitting I will include some case studies on some recent CVs.

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The first case study >>

Paul (182 Posts)

Paul , top UK CV specialist, head of leading firm CV Succeed, and author of the most pioneering CV book in decades, The One Page CV (published by top career sector publishers Pearson Education).

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