Category Archives: Articles

What is a personal statement on a CV?

This is a fairly common question, and really it is unsurprising that people ask this question because the term ‘CV personal statement’ and ‘personal statement CV’ do crop up quite frequently, but a lot of people, including many career professionals.

Promotion – who is ready?

When I was 23 I was promoted from running a moderately large branch of a well-known US corporation – I was working in the UK – to managing the UK’s 2nd busiest. I had been through my in-house training -.

Presenteeism: a worse issue than absenteeism for the UK

The CIPD’s annual absence management survey has found that companies in the UK are struggling with presenteeism more than ever before. Whereas absenteeism refers to absence in the workplace, presenteeism (or sickness-presence), according to the CIPD, is the act of.